
I always want to make a list called “things I would do if I had more time” but I always seem to forget to do it since my schedule is packed full most of the time. On the rare occasion I have “down time”, it’s spent in bed luxuriating with my hunk and reading delicious books. Sometimes it’s the tub with bubbles and wine and candles and all the slippery things.

I have more side-hustles than I can handle right now and a full-time job that takes 50 hours a week and I love it most of the time. One of my friends recently said I was one of the busiest people he knew and asked why I have so many side projects when my main job more than sustains my lifestyle.

Simple: Creative outlet + love of stability = side hustle.

I grew up poor and even though my Mom had *amazing* work ethic, she still never made very much money. Between me and my Brother, she struggled to keep us in decent clothes and day care. I watched her create her own side-hustles beginning when I was maybe 8 or 9 when she discovered her love and aptitude for creating beautiful floral arrangements and crafty tchotkes. I watched her make and sell ribbons, hair bows, t-shirts, vase arrangements, and all manner of “early 80’s craftathon” while holding down her main job, a household, and driving 2 hours round trip every day to make it all work.

I’m not crafty like my Mom, not even in the same ballpark. I paint, yes, but not so often anymore. My focus has always been on the digital world of website building, buying and selling domain names, hosting, graphic design, and squeezing dollars from the world of niche social media markets. And I’m good at it.

At the end of the day, I love to create. Spaces, communities, marketing plans, etc. I love seeing it all come together. I love watching my little sparkly idea turn into a biggo hurricane of glitter and wind, sweeping people up and creating joy in the process.

It doesn’t bring in enough cash that I would ever quit my full-time because I’m ALLLLLLL about having my steady check every other Friday but I do love the extra chunk of change coming in every month. I send it directly to my savings account and watch that little egg grow and grow.

Pitter patter. Beat beat. My heart runs on creative flow and finish lines made of “what’s next?!”

One thought on “Creatrix”

  1. I have always admired and been inspired by your work ethic, your commitment to building and sustaining communities, and your love of life! Thank you for sharing this piece. It validates the magical spirit of the creative process, as well as the importance of being true to yourself! ❤️

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